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Vocal Pedagogy for Popular Styles: 

NeuroVocal Professional Training
& Certification

It's a fact:

Most voice students want to learn to sing popular styles.

You ready to do something about that?

You’ve found a big problem.

Teaching popular styles to other people feels hard.

You get inconsistent results from your students.

Sometimes you feel like an imposter.

Of course it's hard!

Because you learned how to sing “properly” according to the rules you were taught in university


you never learned to "sing properly" and got your singing degree from the university of life, singing into a mic on stage.

Meredith Colby


You might have been taught...

  • that pop singing can “ruin” a voice.

  • that classical technique can be applied to all styles of singing.

  • that you "should have" a college degree in music if you want to coach singers.

  • that you shouldn't need to learn how to teach or coach popular styles.

Sick of that baloney yet?

NeuroVocal is a groundbreaking approach to training the singing voice.


there's an implication that we need to sing, listen, and appraise at the same time. This approach is:

  • neurologically inefficient (so... not a brain hack)

  • slow: it takes a whole-lotta time for your brain to integrate these skills

  • not applicable to popular, microphone-based genres where singers perform in environments where they cannot hear themselves well or at all.


Specifically for microphone-based genres and based on neuroscience research, this adaptive approach

  • trains the brain to respond to an internal experience of singing.

    • this creates reliable and sustainable singing in challenging sonic environments (like...most live gigs). 

  • engages the nature of the brain to alter the existing "muscle memories" for singing.

  • utilizes the predictive power of the brain to create ridiculously efficient phonation.

    • Phonation -> singing. When singing is efficient it feels great! It's sustainable in all the performance situations!​

  • opens up new and powerful new sound possibilities for singers of popular styles.

  • uses a coaching model to grow the artist & the singing voice based on their goals.


SEPTEMBER 19, 2025!

Ready to find out if you're ready for the magical, this-is-a-hoot kind of change that NVM offers?

Let's find out if NeuroVocal training is right for you. This is a free, 30-minute session with Meredith. 

Join the
NVM Certified Coaches
around the world!

Brain Science Applied to Achieve Popular Singing Voice Proficiency

NVM is based on the aesthetics of popular styles, voice physiology, and neuroscience.  Based on over 25 years of independent study and performance application, this approach is road tested! 

NeuroVocal helps singers “rewire” their brains to make sound in the most sustainable and efficient way possible. 


Your students will be amazed at their range, volume, and stamina!

Your students will think you’re magical.

They’ll talk about you as the teacher who finally gave them their voice. 

I have a DMA and I've done a lot of continuing education.
NVM is THE most worthwhile pedagogy-based training I've ever done.

Dr. Bethany Turpin

Singer, Voice Teacher, Studio Owner

Yarmouth, Nova Scotia

People who take this course are:

  • classically trained singers & teachers.

  • self-trained band singers & singer/songwriters.

  • independent & adjunct teachers with students singing popular styles. (rock, pop, contemporary music theater, R&B, indy, hip-hop, country, etc.)

  • excited by learning new, rock-your-world + science-y things.

  • psyched to add coaching skills to their teaching.

  • committed to serving their singers of popular styles.

  • interested in understanding the role of neurology in singing.

Not a reader?

This video is about:​

  • Who this course is for.

  • Where did NVM come from?

  • What we do in class.

  • How is teaching popular styles different?

  • Secrets about your pop/rock clients.

NeuroVocal Method Pedagogy Training: 24 Weeks of Fascinating Learning Modules!
And Private Coaching!

UNIT 1: The Brain & Singing

Week 1: Brain Basics: What Brains are For

Week 2: An Inside Job: Interoceptive Awareness

Week 3: Doing the Math: Your Brain Figures It For You

Week 4: The Neuro & The Vocal: Building on Neurological Tools

Week 5: Coaching Observation: Application of New Tools

Week 6: Peer Coaching Workshop

UNIT 2: Singing Popular Styles


Week 7:  The Nasty Triangle: Blending High in Popular Styles

Week 8:  Registration: Vocal Camouflage & Textures

Week 9:  Style: How's That Going to Happen?

Week 10:  Stylecraft Tool Belt: The Tool You'll Use With Your Students

Week 11: Coaching Observation: Application of New Tools

Week 12: Peer Coaching Workshop

UNIT 3: The Respiratory System & Singing Popular Styles


Week 13:  The Parts & The Whole: The Respiratory System

Week 14:  Breathe Like a Chimp: Breath As Part Of An Integrated Whole

Week 15:  Connecting the Dots: A Reliable High Mix

Week 16: Putting It Together: IRL Applications of NVM

Week 17: Coaching Observation: Application of New Tools

Week 18: Peer Coaching Workshop

UNIT 4: How Brains Learn

Week 19:  Your Brain Sings Before You Do: Now that you know...

Week 20: The Hands of Time: How Attention Molds Learning & Behavior

Week 21:  A Different Ball Game: Empowering Coaching for the PM Singer

Week 22: Coaching Observation: Application of New Tools

Week 23: Peer Coaching Workshop

Week 24: Finale: Singing for Joy & Connection


Next Class September 19, 2025

Let's find out if NeuroVocal training is right for you! 

This is a free, 30-minute session with Meredith. 

What Other Voice Pros Say

Katie Jillson
Boston voice pro, singer, pianist,

and NVM Certified Coach.

Hilary Ann Feldman
Chicago voice pro, singer, pianist,

and NVM Certified Coach.

Sonia Reid
Saskatoon vocal coach, singer,

NVM Certified Coach

Mollye Otis
Vocal coach, music director, pianist,

& singer-songwriter from Roanoke, VA

Samuel Palmer
Voice teacher, choir director, yoga instructor, NVM Certified Coach from Nevada City, CA

Melissa Gill
Vocal coach, choir director, singer,

NVM Certified Coach from Brisbane, AU

Audrey Franklin
Vocal Coach, gigging singer, and mom from Nashville, TN

Aliah Elliot
Voice teacher, singer, and mom from Saskatoon, SK

Kim Nguyen
Professional Singer, Harpist,

& Vocal Coach from Lost Angeles, CA

How to join the class

  • Get the information you need. 

    • Scroll down for descriptions, course calendar, syllabus, & payment plans​​​

  • Book a call with me.

  • We'll meet, chat, and explore whether the class and the timing are a good fit. We'll also talk about the class calendar and available payment plans.

Next classes:

Fridays, 2025-2026

This class meets once a week for 90 minutes.
Fridays, September 19, 2025 - March 13, 2026

8:30 Pacific time, 9:30 Mountain & CST, 10:30 Central, 11:30 Eastern, 16:30 British Isles, 17:30 Central Europe


Let's see if NeuroVocal professional training & certification is right for you.

Book a free, 30-minute session with Meredith. 


Decide what works for you!

Certificate of Completion

✔️  16 real-time, virtual 90-minute learning modules

✔️  4 live song coaching observations

✔️  Small class size

✔️  Recorded classes available for 2 months

✔️  Downloadable support materials

✔️  Done-for-you class notes

✔️  E-book Money Notes: How to Sing High, Loud, Healthy & Forever

✔️  No application interview required

✔️  Option to upgrade to Certified Coach

✔️  6, 12, and 18-month payment plans

✔️  Printed certificate of completion

✔️  à la carte reduced-price private coaching 

✔️  à la carte video submission for feedback

$1,900 USD

Certified Coach

✔️  16 real-time, virtual 90-minute learning modules

✔️  4 live song coaching observations

✔️  4 peer-coaching labs

✔️  10 private coaching sessions with Meredith

✔️  3 video submissions for encouraging feedback

✔️  Your studio listed on site

✔️  Small class size

✔️  Recorded classes available for 2 months

✔️  Downloadable support materials

✔️  Done-for-you class notes

✔️  E-book Money Notes: How to Sing High, Loud, Healthy & Forever

✔️  Application interview (let's make sure NVM is perfect for you!)

✔️  6, 12, and 18-month payment plans

✔️  Printed certificate

✔️  Membership to online community

✔️  Options to stay current with your certification with...

✔️  Exclusive Certified Coach training offers

✔️  Permission to create education content based on NVM 

$3,900 USD

NeuroVocal Licensed Instructor

Licensed Instructor

✔️  Train and certify other voice pros

✔️  Utilize all NVM support & training materials

✔️  Mentor with Meredith Colby

✔️  Permission to create content based on NVM Principles

✔️  Application interview required

$15,000 USD


I'm confident that you'll find NVM training and certification to be a solid investment of time, money, and commitment to your craft.




Here’s my promise: 

You have two years to see the difference your training makes to your teaching studio. If you apply your new skills with understanding and still feel your investment didn’t supply a positive return I'll refund your fees.



The Teacher


NeuroVocal isn't a theory. It's road-tested and based on experience; mine and hundreds of other singers.

While maintaining a career as a busy freelance singer, I built a successful Chicago voice studio where I taught popular technique to band singers, music theater singers, and singer/songwriters. I worked consistently for over 20 years as a band singer - rock, jazz, pop - and have more than 30 years teaching experience. To get my B.M. I was trained classically; so I get that. I also did post-grad study in pedagogy at Northern Illinois University, spent years as Director of The Center for Voice in Chicago, and have been certified by the Neuroscience Academy (Melbourne, AU).

Though I never wanted classical training, I ended up with eight years of it through high school and college. Because that's what there was. Unfortunately, those lessons taught me to sing in a way that was both unsustainable and inappropriate for the work that had been my dream all along, and the work I did after college: fronting a band 5-6 nights a week for 3-4 hours a night. After nine months of touring my voice was trashed.

Six months (of vocal recovery) later, I began lessons with a voice teacher who was also a working singer in Chicago. He had learned both classical and pop pedagogy, and applied that to his experience as both a concert and studio singer.  That experience was transformational. It set me on the path of wanting to train singers of "microphone music". 

Because I was singing in bands every weekend, I knew that kind of singing was typically performed in an environment where the singer could not hear themselves. As an independent researcher I found a connection to solve that problem; I found that tapping into the nervous system to exploit existing neurological responses could create a short path to healthy singing for all microphone styles. I wrote Money Notes to share my work.

The majority of my clients over the years have been professionals; singers, teachers, or both.  Experts at what they do. I'm not about being a guru. I'm about working with fellow professionals to solve problems and create new tools.  That's my groove.  And I love my job.

© Money Notes, Inc., 2020

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Mission of Money Notes, Inc.

Equipping voice trainers with practical, applicable knowledge about the voice, popular styles, and neuroscience. Empowering those educators to nurture the soul, growth journey, music, and voice of their clients.
Coaching singers to enrich their voices with range, skills, and stamina; growing the voice without trying to change who the singer is as a musician.

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